Namaste, iam Sharell Darnell, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Why Won’T My Dip Nails Stay On? [Solved]

Two Main Reasons You Might Experience Lifting Some people naturally have drier nail beds and some are naturally quite oily. Oily nail beds can prevent your dip mani products from adhering.

DO’s and DON’TS - Prepping Nails for Dip Powder | Prevent LIFTING + Protect Your Natural Nails

Episode 1: How

Dip Powder Problems!! And how to avoid them!

DISCLAIMER I am NOT a nail professional. Just a DIYer with minimal knowledge of actual nail stuff. These are ONLY

How to avoid lifting!🙅🏻‍♀️ Nail Prep for Beginners 💅🏻How to Prep Nails for Acrylic, Gel, and Dip

Today’s video is all about prep! We’ll be showing you all of our prepping tips and tricks