Namaste, iam Noel Molitor, You have yourself a good one!

Why Is My Tri-Tip Not Tender? [Solved]

While the tri tip is a steak-like cut, it has very long muscle fibers, and long muscle fibers mean stringy, chewy steak if you don’t handle them correctly. You have to cut across the grain of the meat fibers to shorten the individual fiber pieces you’ll be eating.

Beef Tri Tip Steak Trio! | How to Cook a Tri Tip 3 Different Ways | The Bearded Butchers


How To Tenderize ANY Meat!

As you all know, naturally

TRI-TIP: Low and Slow VS Hot and Fast!

In this Mad Moose BBQ Cookoff, we test out two way to cook one of our favorite cuts of meat - the mighty