Greetings, iam Tony Montello, I hope your day is great!

Why Is My Nail White After Acrylics? [Solved]

Punctuate leukonychia are white spots that are secondary to trauma to the nail matrix. Aggressive manicuring, or damage to the cuticle perhaps when your client’s acrylics were removed, can damage the nail matrix and consequently white patches appear.

HOW TO: fix nails AFTER acrylics

hey guys heres a basic tutorial on how I nurse

Acrylics damaged my nails! How to bring damaged Nails back to health!

Now available! The best Cuticle repair oil and balm you’ve ever had. Handmade, 100% natural, no water added!

Nails Hurting After Acrylics? Don’t make these mistakes!

Are your natural