Hello, iam Joanne Owens, Enjoy your time-off from me!

Why Is Box 1 On My W-2 More Than My Salary? [Solved]

The most common reason for this discrepancy is the impact of pretax deductions, such as Section 125 health-related deductions or retirement plans like a 401(k). These pretax deductions reduce the amount of taxable wages reported on a W2.Apr 5, 2022

Payroll Query #2: Why Box 1(FIT wages), 3(SS Wages), 5(Medicare Wages) of W2 don’t match?

In this Video series,

Reading a W2

How to read

How To Increase Your Salary $50k in 1 Year | Salary Negotiation, Job Pricing, Saying No, and More!

Let’s talk about how you can increase