Hi, iam Patricia Seay, Good luck today!
Why Does My W-2 Show I Made Less Than My Salary? [Solved]
If your Box 1, W-2 amount is less than your salary, it is because you have pre-tax deductions from your salary under one or more employer plans. If you are not sure about your Box 1 amount, your payroll department can provide the details of the calculation of your Box 1 amount.Jun 4, 2019
How To Budget Your Paycheck & Never Worry About Money Again
Why your Salary in Japan is Lower than Expected
CHAPTERS ————————————————— 0:00 Intro 0:20
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Censorship, Fauci & The Truth About Big Pharma 🤐 PART 1 of 2
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.