Hello, iam Terry Pullen, Buongiorno.

Why Do Restaurants Pay So Little? [Solved]

Their low pay is the result of the sub-minimum wage laws for tipped workers (still $2.13 per hour at the federal level), the very same laws that the NRA has spent millions of dollars, over decades, lobbying to keep in place.May 9, 2021

That’s Why Fancy Restaurants Serve Such Tiny Portions

You ever notice how the portions at fancy expensive

Chefs Speak Out on Mental Health in the Restaurant Industry | WSJ

Chefs and restaurateurs talk about the harsh work culture and stigma of mental illness in their industry. Photo Illustration/Video: …

Why Are Restaurants’ Profit Margins So Low?

This video is part of a collaborative business and economics project with Job Creators Network. To learn more about JCN, visit …