Sup, iam Michael Demelis, Today will be the best!

Why Do People Use Uber Instead Of Taxis? [Solved]

Uber customers typically get where they are going faster or cheaper than they would by taxis. Partygoers can rely on being able to find available Uber drivers through their apps late at night. The combination of Uber and expanding online grocery delivery is making it more practical to live without a car.

How Uber destroyed the NYC cab market

CNN’s Jon Sarlin explains how

Why Is Everything Turning Into Uber?

We’re all familiar with the gig economy - jobs that don’t classify you as an employee, tell you you can “be your own boss,” and

معركة بالأيدي بين سائقي سيارات الأجرة وسائقي أوبر في المغرب.. ما حقيقة القصة؟

هل تعرّض سائقي أوبر في المغرب للضرب؟ بالتزامن مع احتجاجات لسائقي سيارات الأجرة في المغرب ضد التطبيقات الذكية التي …