Hello, iam Chad Frye, Asalam walekum.
Why Do My Fingernails Always Look Dirty? [Solved]
From opening lids to digging in dirt, your fingernails are part of a lot of tasks. This makes the nails a common spot to find dirt, bacteria, lint, dead skin cells, and other unwanted material. In a study of 20 college students, all 20 students had bacteria under their nails, including Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas.
How-To perfectly clean your nails in about 5 minutes
I’ve been wondering for a while if this
Here’s What The Little Half Moon Under Our Fingernails Means
The human body is truly remarkable, and that’s in no small part because of its extreme complexity. However, it’s sometimes easy …
STOP Cutting Your Fingernails WRONG! | How To Correctly Clip Nails
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