Hi, iam Micheal Brown, Have a splendid day!

Why Do Blondes Age So Fast? [Solved]

Lighter features typically indicate a paler skin tone, which—as previously noted—is more prone to sun damage (the number-one risk factor for fast-tracked aging.) “Having less melanin in your skin may also predispose you to premature aging due to photodamage,” says Dr. Preminger.

Here’s Why Women Age Faster Than Men

Let’s discuss that in today’s video. How exactly

Blondes Vs. Brunette (Social Experiment)

NOTE - this is a funny video and I

43-Year-Old Mom Looks Identical To 20-Year-Old Daughter

A 43-year-old mom named Joleen looks almost identical to her 20-year-old daughter Meilani, and Kelly cannot believe it! The duo …