Namaste, iam Maria Rieth, I hope your day goes well.
Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant If Everything Is Normal? [Solved]
Missing the fertile period could be a reason for not getting pregnant when everything is normal. The chances of getting pregnant are the highest during ovulation. Dr Priti further explains to the couple, “Ovulation is the time when your mature egg is released to the fallopian tubes for possible fertilization.
Why not getting Pregnant when Everything is Normal? Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla
Can you ovulate and still not get pregnant? - Dr. Shirin Venkatramani
Can a woman ovulate
All Reports Normal but not Conceiving | Unexplained Infertility | Dr. Gauri Agarwal
Prognosis of unexplained infertility has a very wide spectrum, meaning doctor’s were