Hi, iam Betty Lewis, Take it easy.

Who Invented Clothes? [Solved]

Prehistoric Period. The first known humans to make clothing, Neanderthal man, survived from about 200,000 B.C.E. to about 30,000 B.C.E. During this time the earth’s temperature rose and fell dramatically, creating a series of ice ages throughout the northern areas of Europe and Asia where the Neanderthal man lived.

Who invented clothes? Casa & Asa Discoveries and Inventions for Kids - Educational Videos by Mocomi

The first evidence of

Why Humans Started Wearing Clothes ? || History of Clothing

historyofclothing #whyhumansstartedwearingclothes #whypeoplewearclothes #whywewearclothes Title:Why Humans Started …

How It’s Made Clothes - How Clothes Are Made | Full Production

--------------------------- This time we make our way through textile factories and processes to …