Hola, iam Michele Copper, Hope you’re doing well!

Which Frosting Is Better Buttercream Or Whipped? [Solved]

Buttercream is not just great for cake decoration but is also sturdy enough to hold its own between layers of cake. Whipped icing has a light and delicate consistency, making it suitable only for piping borders on cakes and cupcakes, and not for detailed designs such as flowers and swirls.

Buttercream vs. Whipped Cream | THE BEST ICING FOR YOUR CAKE!


Whipped Icing Or Buttercream? That Is The Question

Whipped icing

Apa Whip Cream dan Buttercream sama atau beda ?

… Sinar Yong kali ini kita akan membahas Apa itu bikin cream dan apa itu