Sup, iam Joseph Devlin, Have an awesome day!
Where Is The Best Place To Put Water For The Plant? [Solved]
Many plants seem to like water to come up from the roots. To achieve this bottom watering, you can put the container in a saucer and pour water into that for slow uptake. It is still a good idea to water from the top occasionally until excess pours from the drainage holes, which flushes salts from the soil.May 5, 2022
How to water a plant…. the right way!
Do you know that watering a
How to Bring A Plant Back To Life in 12 Hours
I recently bought a Hydrangea on special from the supermarket that was on its deathbed, I knew I could bring it back to life very …
pond updation short video we put water plant water cabbage and we gave food to our fish dodo fish
In Todays video, we will look into Top 5 reasons for