Hola, iam Kevin Libby, Don’t miss me too much.

When Should I Buy I Bonds? [Solved]

KEY FACTS: I Bonds can be purchased through October 2022 at the current rate. That rate is applied to the 6 months after the purchase is made. For example, if you buy an I bond on July 1, 2022, the 9.62% would be applied through December 31, 2022.Aug 5, 2022

Why You Should ONLY Buy I Bonds in April or October (Series I Savings Bonds)

With inflation at 30-year highs, everyone’s getting amped up about Series I Savings

Buy I Bonds NOW Or Buy I Bonds In OCTOBER? Buy I Bonds In NOVEMBER? (Series I Savings Bonds)

Buy I-Bonds Now or Wait?

Buy I Bonds BEFORE The 9.62% Interest Rate - Here’s Why!