Sup, iam Kathy Bray, Don’t miss me too much.

What To Drink To Clean Lungs From Smoking? [Solved]

Drink warm fluids Drinking warm beverages, like tea, broth, or even just hot water, may cause thinning of mucus, making it easier to clear from your airways. Research has shown that green tea in particular has anti-inflammatory properties that may prevent some types of lung disease.

HOW TO DETOXIFY YOUR LUNGS AT HOME- Lung Detoxification for Smokers


Top 10 Best Drinks for Healthy Lungs (Detox and Cleanse)

➡️ Water More than70% of the human bodyis made up of water which is why it’s always important to stay hydrated. This is …

Best Home Remedy To Detox Lungs | फेफड़ों से कफ, बलग़म, धुआं और गन्दगी निकाल फेकेगा ये नुस्खा

In this video I will tell you about a very easy but very effective herbal tea that you can make at home to