Hello, iam Patrick Garcia, Hope you’re having a great week!

What Tip Is Best For Icing Cupcakes? [Solved]

The Wilton 1M (Used in the frosting how-to photos above) is my most-used tip for cupcake frosting. It creates a nice, thick swirl and looks very uniform (read: mistake-free) no matter how quickly you are frosting. The last tip I use for cupcake decorating is the Wilton 2A.

1M vs 2D - Comparing Piping Tips - Cupcake Piping Tip Techniques Tutorial

Hi and welcome back to my kitchen. If you’re new to cake decorating or new to piping

Cupcake Piping Techniques Tutorial

Welcome to this video tutorial where I share with you my favourite piping

How To Pipe Cupcakes Like a Pro! - The Scran Line

Knowing how to decorate