Hi, iam James Carbajal, I hope you have the best day today.

What Tip Do You Use For Rose Cupcakes? [Solved]

First, put your Wilton #1M or Wilton #1B tip/nozzle into the pastry bag, fill it up with the frosting of your choice. The WILTON #1M makes a smaller rose and the WILTON #1B makes it more fluffy and give it a more fuller look.Mar 3, 2018

Rosette Cupcake Swirl - Cupcake Piping Techniques Tutorial

Hi and welcome back to my kitchen. If

Rose Cupcake - Piping Technique Tutorial

Welcome to this video tutorial where

Butter Cream Flower Cupcake Decorating in pink & white (visit anhbakes.com for recipes)

Hi friends, In this video, ANHBAKES shares with