Hello, iam June Vanhoose, I hope you have the best day today.

What Should You Not Do With A Newborn? [Solved]

It’s inevitable you won’t do everything just right, but read on and you can cross these common mistakes off your list.Car seat safety. Back to sleep. Not feeding on demand. Not burping baby properly. Failing to pre-burp. Mistakes in mixing formula or breastfeeding. Not enough tummy time. Under- or overreacting to a fever.•

The Ridiculously Simple Newborn Care Tip Most Parents Don’t Hear…Until It’s Too Late

Learn a pediatric Occupational Therapist’s totally

Pediatricians Answer Most Commonly Searched Questions About Newborns

Two experienced pediatricians are here to answer the most common search questions about

Infant Safe Sleep Practices - UC Davis Health

What are the safest practices for putting an infant to sleep? An expert from the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis …