Greetings, iam Jeffrey Alcott, Have a pleasant day.

What Organs Are Connected To The Foot? [Solved]

Reflex areas of central organs such as the spinal column and stomach are in both feet; the organs on the right side of the body (e.g. the liver) are on the right foot, those on the left side (e.g. the spleen) are on the left foot; lungs and kidneys are on both feet; the toes correspond with the brain and its organs.

Your feet nerves connect to your body organs - Inside the power of reflexology

SwitchTV #FullCirclewithJoyce #Reflexology.

Dissecting A Human Foot | Hands and Feet | BBC

A team dissects a

Foot Bones explained | Foot joints and ankle movements | Human Anatomy in 3D | elearnin
